Extended Product Strategy and Management

Extended Product Management As-A-Service (EPAAS)

Speed Up Your Time to Market

Product Management is a core function of a product organization and hence cannot be outsourced. It drives the core product strategy, the roadmap and priorities based on the market and the customer groups. Starting from the founders to the leadership teams, everyone should have a product manager hat on when required. So even if there is no or a very small product management team, the function is typically taken care of by a combination of all of these people.

Even the other teams like engineering contribute to product management in big ways. At the same time, product management requires a lot of detailed research and documentation which often become a bottleneck for decision making and proceeding further to the next steps like development. Then as you hire more new PMs, training them on Product Management itself becomes a challenge starting from the creation of the training material. And then there are those other areas which are not urgent but at certain stages can be very important like creating user groups, showing thought leadership, filling up large applications for awards and analyst nominations etc.

Those are the areas where the Extended Product Management As-A-Service (EPAAS) can be a very useful augmentation to speed up the time to market. At Pratishthan, we look at EPAAS as an extension of your PM bandwidth that can be used from time to time for short or long bursts. Some of the services that can be provided by this extension of your team are given below.

Pratishthan Software Ventures

Product Strategy & Management

For new products and product extensions, research, competition analysis, BRD / PRD preparation, design and architecture reviews, functional testing, product manuals, collaterals

Pratishthan Software Ventures

Product Culture Training

Training the product and all related teams on various aspects of a product organization. Spread over 1-2 weeks for 2 hours a day. Short and impactful training program.

Pratishthan Software Ventures

Product Marketing

Marketing collaterals, Value proposition, Market Expansion, Product Launches, Segmentation and Positioning, Messaging and Storytelling, Case Studies, Thought Leadership

Pratishthan Software Ventures

Team Support

HR related like JDs and interviews, product team structure, roles and levels

Our Offerings

Delivering Technology Agnostic Solutions

Your technology-related challenges must be addressed in the best possible way and by those who understand both, business and technology.
Our experience across industries and in working with large, medium and small enterprises places us in a unique position where we extend our learning across the industries to the work that we do.

It’s all for the love of solving business problems.

Our Experience

Building Robust Platforms & Frameworks

Our people have helped build fintech products at scale when fintech wasn’t a buzzword. We’ve helped create platforms that bring people closer to each other end enable businesses to deliver an experience to remember, to their customers.

We have done all this based on our experience and the fact that our team brings not just the seasoned technology folks to you but also the young ones who are raring to go and build that something awesome for you.

In fact, 20% of our people have over a decade of hands-on technology experience.

Our Work

Solving Business Problems Through Technology

We helped build one of the first interfaces for UPI in India when UPI was in a nascent stage. We helped create a platform for performing artistes to take their talent to the world at a global scale. We have enabled our clients to imagine, execute and experience enterprise-grade applications that could would scale up on-demand and do so, in an optimal manner.

We're living it up in beautiful Bangalore

If it’s a business problem that needs a technology solution, we’re there for you.

If it’s an exciting career that you want to build across technologies, we’re there for you too!

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